Do NOT freeze or cut federal aid!
Will you add your name to the petition to show that we, the people, OPPOSE Trump freezing federal funds that go toward our children, families, schools, and communities?
Sign this PetitionCheck out these brave people who’ve responded to Mitt Romney’s comment that 47% of Americans think of themselves as “victims” and will never “take responsibility for their lives.” Then go ahead and vote for your favorite response by clicking on the “like” button beneath each video!
Submitted by DeEtte B.W. from Moltnomah, Oregon. Upvote her response:
Submitted by Cynthia G. Upvote her response:
Submitted by Susan B. Upvote her response:
Submitted by Regina N. Upvote her response:
Submitted by Bob K. Upvote his response:
Submitted by Marlene W. Upvote her response:
Submitted by Julia K. Upvote her response:
Submitted by Granville A. Upvote his response:
Submitted by Trudy D. Upvote her response:
Submitted by Julie R. Upvote her response:
Submitted by Donna & Bruce S. from Forest, Virginia. Upvote their response: